What is Ozone?
What is Ozone? | |||||||
Ozone is oxygen in it's most active state and is an extremely potent oxidant that has been shown to possess broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. Ozone is not just another disinfectant. Ozone is a true sterilant. It has the ability to completely destroy not only bacteria, but also viruses, spores, fungus, mold, mildew, cysts, and many other contaminants while at the same time breaking down dissolved organic materials by oxidation. When ozone (O3) breaks down it naturally reverts back to oxygen (O2).
The use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone in medicine is based on the fact that the accumulation of toxins in the body is normally burnt up by the process of oxidation, a process wherein a substance is changed chemically because of the effect of oxygen on it. Oxidation breaks the toxins down into carbon dioxide and water, and eliminates them from the body. However, if the oxygen system of the body is weak or deficient (whether through lack of exercise, environmental pollution, poor diet, smoking, or even improper breathing), our bodies cannot eliminate them adequately and a toxic reaction can occur. In minor cases, a toxic buildup can lead to fatigue, headaches, etc., while a wide range of deadly diseases can result when poor oxygenation is chronic. Although used by an estimated 10,000,000 patients in Europe since the early 1960's, the therapeutic use of medical ozone and hydrogen peroxide (technically known as "bio-oxidative therapies") is largely a mystery to North Americans. Over 6,000 articles on the medical usage's of ozone are in the world literature. However, in America ozone therapy is only taught privately, or in naturopathic schools, so your family doctor is probably not rained in its use. Therefore he/she probably will have no idea (or an incorrect idea) of what you're talking about if you ask about it. So, if you are seeking opinions, always ask your medical professional what actual experience he/she has with ozone therapies – especially if he/she gives you a negative opinion without any facts to back it up. There are no legitimate studies proving medical grade ozone doesn't work. (the FDA likes to confuse you by referencing smog type ozone in their "studies".)Ozone has been proven to possess many desired effects:
As this molecule cleans up your body... the immune system responds, arteries and veins are cleaned, circulation improves with blood vessels unclogged, blood and lymph normalizes, inflammation reduces, bleeding stops, cardiac problems reduce as plaque is oxidized in arteries, the brain and memory respond to the increases in oxygen produced, heavy metals are chelated, tumor metabolism is inhibited and the outer lipid layer of malignant cells is broken down and destroyed.
Ozone and Free Radicals (oxidants) Free radicals are atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons... an unavoidable occurrence in bio-chemical reactions. There could be no life without free radicals. Some free radicals are dangerous. The properties of free radicals vary widely. Some are toxic to all living cells, while others only to the most vulnerable cells. Singlet oxygen (O1) is a highly reactive free radical that acts as a scavenger of other free radicals. The oxygen (O1) reacts with them to render them harmless, thereby protecting cells from damage. Healthy cells have an enzyme coating around them that protects them from the action of oxygen. These enzymes are catalase, reductase, super-oxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. Disease microbes have no such coating and are therefore destroyed by oxygen. By this elegant mechanism, ozone distinguishes between friends and foes and attacks only invading pathogens, and cells that have been damaged and infected, thereby losing their coating. Bio-oxidative therapies provide the body with active forms of oxygen. Once in the body, the hydrogen peroxide or ozone breaks down into various oxygen subspecies (free radicals) which contact anaerobic viruses and microbes (i.e. viruses, microbes, fungi, parasites which have the ability to live without air, as well as diseased or deficient tissue cells). It oxidizes these cells while leaving the healthy cells alone. When the body becomes saturated with these special forms of oxygen, it reaches a state of purity wherein disease microorganisms are killed, while the underlying toxicity is oxidized and eliminated.Anti-oxidants Antioxidants are often prescribed to be taken along with the use of ozone. These are not opposites that cancel each other out, but rather, a thoughtful optimization, since most antioxidants have very specific tasks. They have been shown to help protect marginally healthy cells from general free radical damage. Example: Vitamin E is active at the cell membrane. Vitamin C is itself a radical that can speed the electron flow through oxidation. Superoxide dismutase in particular has helped reduce a variety of disorders... normally it is among the body's most plentiful enzymes. In any case, antioxidants do not address the cause of the problem, which is oxygen starvation at the cellular level, which causes the cells to be too weak to make the enzymes that protect them in the first place.
The safety of proper ozone administration is unparalleled. Ozone is a natural "treatment", which means high efficiency and no side effects because it enhances the natural life forces rather than fighting them. Our natural intake of oxygen from our once-natural environment's food, air and water is the way Nature intended us to keep healthy and clean, by naturally oxidizing away the microbes and toxins. In a survey of German ozone therapists, 5,579,238 ozone treatments on 384,775 patients demonstrated a side effect rate of only 0.0007%, and the side effects were uniformly minor and not even remotely life-threatening. In America on the other hand, over a 1,000,000 patients are hospitalized annually due to side effects of prescription medication, and over 100,000 of such individual die from such drug usage. If just one person in the US dies even indirectly from the usage of a vitamin product or an herbal concoction, the FDA quickly moves to outlaw accessibility to such a product, but they remain blinded to the carnage wrought annually by our pharmaceutical industry. Considering that about 100,000 Americans a year die from FDA approved pharmaceutical drug reactions and interactions, ozone therapy is amazingly safe.
Oxygen, Ozone, and Cancer
Doctor Otto Warburg is a 2-time Nobel Prize winner, in 1931 and 1944 (Hitler kept him from accepting). He got the Nobel Prize for proving that a primary cause of cancer is not a mystery. Remember that when you do not have enough oxygen, your cells are constantly filling with toxicity (in some people quicker than in others). The little healthy cell gets covered with garbage, and washed in toxic fluids constantly because it's surrounded by dirty fluids. The garbage piles up until it denies the cell 60 percent or more of its oxygen requirements. This is one of the the root causes of cancer. Imagine your cells are like an orange covered in oil. Now hold your breath. When you feel short on oxygen, breathe. How long did it take to need more oxygen? This simply illustrates that all your cells need oxygen, that bad, all the time. If you cover up the cell (orange) with garbage, you block the oxygen from getting into the cell. If you cover it with enough toxicity - so much that 60 percent of the oxygen it needs constantly is not there - then that cell will be so short of breath that it's respiratory mechanism will be damaged. In other words, if the oxygen's not there and the cell is trying to breathe, it will become so damaged that it can't breath anymore. And when the cell can't breath because of the damaged respiratory mechanism, it mutates to survive. This poor little healthy cell drops "31 steps"... down to the level of a green plant-type cell that just grows and grows. The cell has lost all its higher functions: it no longer heals or regulates things, it no longer makes hormones, it no longer digests your food. Whatever part of the body this mutating cell is in, it is dropped down to the level of a plant-type cell that just grows and grows and grows. Cancer. Another well-known German, Dr. Hans Nieper, an ozone-using doctor in Hanover, reports that in his medical practice on colon cancer he sees an interesting assemblage of American VIP's. Dr. Nieper states: "You wouldn't believe how many officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe directors of the American Medical Association, or American Cancer Association, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. That's the fact." Side note: Testing your body's pH is a simple way to generally to know how well Oxygenated your body is.Acidic = Low Oxygen ♦ Alkaline = Oxygen
What is ozone good for?
The largest commercial use of ozone is in the purification of water. In Western Europe, over 40 full-scale municipal ozone facilities are installed each year. France alone has over 700 water treatment plants equipped with ozone. Switzerland has over 80 plants online for disinfecting contaminated water and oxidizing organics in heavily contaminated surface waters. Germany has over 70 installations using ozone. As of 1990, there were more than 40 full-scale ozone installations in the United States.Doesn't it make sense that since your body is two-thirds water, the same water purification principles would directly apply to us? Ozone is simply infused through your body liquids to sterilize and purify them, and your organs filter out the leftover particulates. With that in mind, many alternative homeopaths recommend drinking Ozonated water to help prevent and fight disease. Both the FDA and EPA certify that ozone destroys 99.9992% of all pathogenic germs, while oxidizing (destroying) 99.9992% of all pollutants in the water at the same time.
What is Ozone |